Developing technology to reduce depression in young people

Developing technology to reduce depression in young people
Developing technology to reduce depression in young people
Developing technology to reduce depression in young people
Developing technology to reduce depression in young people
Black Dog Foundation Goodman Foundation

Black Dog


Teenagers are the least likely age group to seek professional help for their mental health.

They will look online, but evidence-based digital mental health tools for young people were lacking. The Foundation has supported Black Dog Institute – a world leader in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mood disorders – since 2015. Since 2020, our significant investment has funded the successful development of the ClearlyMe® mobile app - the world’s first free app to deliver evidence-based therapy for youth depression. 

Designed for teens by teens, the app delivers cognitive behavioural therapy to reduce depressive symptoms and improve wellbeing. A clinical  trial of over 550 Australian adolescents showing depressive symptoms were positive, with the trajectory of mental illness throughout a person’s life likely to be changed by targeting the critical risk window of adolescence. 

Our funding is helping the ClearlyMe® program to reach at least 50,000 young people who need it most. Foundation support is also going to a ‘blended care’ program, co-designed with healthcare professionals, that will combine person-to-person therapy with the ClearlyMe® intervention.