Providing nutritious food boxes to families in Japan

Providing nutritious food boxes to families in Japan
Providing nutritious food boxes to families in Japan
Providing nutritious food boxes to families in Japan
Providing nutritious food boxes to families in Japan
Little Olives Farmers Goodman Foundation

little olive


A long-standing partner of the Goodman Foundation, the Little Olive Child Foundation helps families who are still experiencing the impact of the Fukushima nuclear incident in 2011.

After several years supporting Little Olive’s work in providing safe indoor play centres, we began supporting a ‘Farmer's Food Box’ initiative for families in Fukushima, Kumamoto and Hiroshima prefectures. 

These prefectures have more than 1,000 children under 12 years old in need of fresh and healthy food. The boxes ensure their families had vegetables, eggs and rice, to alleviate their financial pressures, and provided much-needed support to local farmers too.