Helping women and children to survive the conflict in Ukraine

Helping women and children to survive the conflict in Ukraine
Helping women and children to survive the conflict in Ukraine
Helping women and children to survive the conflict in Ukraine
Helping women and children to survive the conflict in Ukraine
UNICEF Ukraine Goodman Foundation



The war in Ukraine is causing death, displacement, destruction and human suffering. It has left at least 17 million people in need of help, particularly women and children. 

The Goodman Foundation has responded by supporting emergency response and humanitarian aid since the war began. In the first year of hardship, our support of UNICEF and Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel (UZ Brussel) funded critical medical equipment as well as safe spaces for migrating women and children. 

Meanwhile, due to a scarcity of neonatal equipment, Ukraine's newborn health services were struggling to respond to an increase in premature births. Additional factors such as power disruptions and workforce constraints also meant low-weight babies need to be moved between facilities, or out of hospitals and into bomb shelters.

The Goodman Foundation partnered with the United Nations Population Fund to distribute mobile incubators across Ukraine to save the lives of preterm born babies. The incubators allow their safe transport in a controlled environment with a continuous supply of power and oxygen.